- B1 Free Archiver
- B1 Online - extract from archives online
- Unzip & unrar files in one click
- Excellent and fast compression
- Simple and friendly utility
- Open .zip .rar .7z .b1 and more
- How to open b1 archive and extract files from b1 archive in one click
- How to open zip file and unzip files from the archive in one click
- How to open rar file and unrar files from the archive in one click
- How to extract one file from b1 archive?
- How to extract one file from zip archive?
- How to extract one file from rar archive?
- Where can I get the password to the zip, rar, b1 archive?
- How to compress files into single .b1 archive with 3 clicks
- How to compress files into zip archive with 3 clicks
- How to create archive with B1 Free Archiver in 3 steps
- How to zip files and create .zip archive with B1 Free Archiver in 3 steps
How to open zip file and unzip files from the archive in one click
Unzip files into current folder
For example let's take birthday party.zip archive. Right-click on it to open context menu and select Extract here option in the menu.

Wait a few moments while B1 Free Archiver is opening zip file and extracting files...

...and it's done. Your photos are extracted to the same folder, you can view them as usually.

Unzip files into new folder
Sometimes it's more convenient to extract files from zip into separate folder, especially when there are a lot of files in the archive. That way it's easier to find and view them later and avoid a mess in the original folder. Still one click, but instead of Extract here select Extract to... from the same menu.

The simplest way is to choose default folder which has the same name as the ZIP archive. In our example - birthday party. With this option all photos are extracted into new separate folder with name birthday party next to the archive.

If you don't like that name - select New folder. It's almost the same, but first B1 prompts you how to name new folder.

You can use any title, for example let's change it to Clara's birthday party. Click OK and all photos will be unpacked into folder Clara's birthday party, still next to the archive.

That's it. As we promised – couldn't be simpler, open zip and get files with a single click.

B1 Free Archiver works with most popular archive formats. It's a single utility for almost all archives you will ever need. Although there are a lot of functions and features, B1 stays extremely simple to use and never bothers you with unnecessary stuff. It takes just a few clicks to extract files or to create new archive.