3. Select your native language
You will be translating B1 into this language4. Select the file you would like to translate
Click "Translate"5. Select the string on the left panel and enter the text
Click "Commit translation". You can use machine translation suggestions if you wantFranz Quixtner, Alex Luis Silva Luiz Gustavo Razzano de Pontes
Bruno Alexandre
Maxim Burlachenko, Dmitriy Rublev
Irfan Rafly Anom
Your name can be here too!
Franz Rolfsvaag
Tommy "Berna" Bernardini Rasmus "Onix" Hoffstedt
Andriy Bandura
Sajjad Mohammadzadeh
Raul Tambre, Brayan Talts
Tung Wong
İlhan Tanrıverdi
Bahassine Abdallah
Your name can be here too!
Dionisios Klonaris
Milan Zounek
Ivan Marković
simpleaic, Abdulhameed N95
Mohammad Shahmi bin Ibrahim
Hsiu-Ming Chang
Noelia Castro
Your name can be here too!
Your name can be here too!